an overrated coffee place where the female white folk like to congregate. going inside a Starbucks is like getting flashbanged by the crazy amounts of white people in line to get their frappuccino or whatever the fuck they get.
heyyyyyyy amanda wanna go to starbucks

yaassssss queeennnn

me: shut the fuck up
by Cheese Wonton May 24, 2022
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They have good drinks, but the lines go on forever… it’ll take you 25 minutes just to get a cake pop and a Mocha Cookie Crumble.
Presley: ugh it took me 25 minutes to get this food!
Sarah: where’d you get it from?
Presley: Starbucks
Sarah: sucks for you
by mxcha.lxtte June 1, 2022
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A place where white bitches go to hang out. You can usually spot people with messy buns and a latte. You can get coffee here. "Ok Maccks, here is the latte," the barista says. As you can see the name is misspelled. A StarBucks(er) can also be a typical white girl.
I went to StarBucks to get coffee.
Wow! She's a StarBuckser .
by Lolbutteranna February 4, 2017
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People that think they know what they are talking about, enforcing those talking points and/or idea onto others, expecting all who listen to accept their words as truth, and sound like arrogant douches (or anything similar to the given definition). This person would be expected at a Starbucks as part of the stereotypical image of the kind of people one would see at a Starbucks.
Starbucks savant: We need to get radical. You're not radical enough. We need to be radical!

Person 2: For what?

Starbucks savant: Uh...

Person 2: You are such an idiot.
by Penny in the Cradle with Pearl January 11, 2011
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A white girl's favorite gift besides Uggs,Yoga leggings,and crop tops
Crackers luhhh dem Starbucks gift cardzzz
by Personwholives January 9, 2015
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A boy with a very little pepperoni pizza in his pants. Who likes to play the mouth fiddle. Dittle little. Smear in his pants.
Hey Cooper Starbucks, want to go to Starbucks? And get a coffee?

Cooper; ya can I get some ch ch ch ch ch ch
Starbucks Employee; fucking spit it out shit head
by BigZinmypants July 14, 2022
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