The act of performing any sort of work in a laboraory setting while not wearing pants.
There are two methods of doing things: the safe way and the Mason Method.
by Mars Rover4 October 21, 2004
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Mason could be a name for a boy and girl. They will always have your back. Masons usually have just like a extra diffrent personality. They have the outgoing friends which makes them outgoing to they are beautiful people that might annoy you sometimes but they don't try to. They tell you how they feel. They love to tell jokes and listen to them they are true friends that love everybody they might not show it but they do. Masons are humerous they can make a joke out of anything
by Glittergirl4908 January 12, 2014
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Singer/songwriter from Minnesota with a Dylanesque singing style and folk-influenced acoustic guitar style. Writes real music without any corporate overproduction bullshit. Not very mainstream, but has a large following anyways.
Dude, I just saw Mason Jennings in concert, he was awesome.
by darkserge99 July 27, 2007
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a job of sorts to which one utilizes their “pleasure hand” to satisfy someone in the safety of an electrical closet
Mason: Hey guys. mason here. i’m now offering my famous “mason-jobs” 50 percent off. hmu if you down. Mason out!
Any logical person: gimme gimme
by Gregory McGraw October 31, 2023
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A good football (soccer) player who sometimes is a cunt.
Guy 1: Hey have you heard of the footballer Mason Holgate?
Guy 2: Yeah, he's pretty good ay.
Guy 1: Yeah but I heard he's a cunt.
by Brrrrrrap January 6, 2018
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A smelly scab who is attracted to anything that looks like a girl on Snapchat. The girls are catfishes. Emma John's was one. That was funny
by Tgucc September 25, 2020
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