toad needlebunny rainbow dash is the most awesome person you know
if you know toad needlebunny rainbow dash you are cooool.
toad needlebunny rainbow dash is awesome
by rainball dash March 21, 2017
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A warty vagina, or a vagina with many warts.
1) you could go with classic urban dictionary explanations like:
"Dude I slept with this girl last night and she was a total toad muffin...I think I'll hit her up again"

2) or you could go for the month python approach
"I have found the holy grail of women. She was a total toad muffin"

3) use as an insult to someone who slept with your ex:

4) use for anyone you generally can't stand
"Why do you have to act like such a toad muffin all the time?"

5) or talk about a cat:
"Carl was petrified by the toad muffin. Like literally. He's made of stone now."

6) tinder:
"met a hot chick on tinder. We tried to Netflix and chill but then I saw her toad muffin ):"
by Wart Lips October 4, 2015
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A dumbass with a face that looks like a bean.
Jared Leto: Yagagagagagleeleekuku banana
Mario: oh my god you're being such a Toad Bean!
by Get a Load of Toad October 26, 2022
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When a man and a woman have sex and the man ejaculates on the woman's back. The woman allows the semen to dry and does not wash it off right away. Named after the Pipa Pipa Toad, who carries it's eggs on it's back, where they are fertilized by the male toad.
Ya'll try that pipa pipa toad lastnight? You know your girl is ready for a baby when she let's that dry.
by HandofGlory December 17, 2016
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Friend 1: Want to go get lunch? Friend 2: Toads my goads dude!
by racergamer February 22, 2015
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This song would be perfect for a Toad's make out
by hawaiianginger March 4, 2011
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