Someone that abandons their people and what they should do.
You're right about me, I'm a little punk deserter, there's no fooling you is there? You know what you are talking about, so why do you spend so much time in your shell since you are right so much of the time. Can't you see how much more sensitive I am than you about bringing up stuff like this, though I try to keep it hidden from people like you? I don't want everybody to know what a coward I am.
by Solid Mantis April 21, 2021
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Someone who abandons others, or something that needs to get done.
You are right about me, I'm a little punk deserter faggot. You know what you're talking about, so what makes you spend so much time in your shell if you are right so much of the time?
by Solid Mantis April 21, 2021
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Desert Bunny is a new friends on he also is gay and calls people newfag
Desert Bunny:Hi newfag
by LilMoaner March 20, 2021
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Walk The Desert or "To walk the desert" is when one choses to live a life of hardship and loneliness over a life of comfort and idleness. Usually in order to improve and refine one's physical attributes and mentality.
I have chosen to walk the desert from now on.
by Andrew77362 April 14, 2023
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when you put a can of beans in someone else's anus, put whipped cream on your dick, and stick it in there.
John gave me a British desert the other day.
by zepoopenfarten October 19, 2023
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1: An very ugly chick that looks hot as fuck while your deployed.

2: A desert animal known as a camel.
friend 1: Dude did you see that desert horse that walked by.

friend 2: If I was not deployed I wouldn't touch it with a 100ft pole.
friend 1: Yeah she looks like she hit every ugly branch on her way down.
friend 2: I'll hit though
by Gonzo_Gmoney April 9, 2011
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Noun.A girl who grew up in the desert,
Who doesn’t have a formal education.
Comes from a dysfunctional family/life.

Who sleeps around or has, for money and drugs. is a methhead or with one.

Who neither mootchhas a job or wants to get one, because getting by has become The norm. IE. most people from the desert think it is fine, because everyone eventually dumpster dives dumpster diver. And know the times to go.

May be really hot, but always has something messed up about them.

anyone who lives/grew up in the desert, and therefore, by association, is/was a hick.
A really derogatory thing to say to someone.
“Wow,look at her!...careful, she’s a desert rat!”
That bitch is a desert rat, watch her.!
by Hurtzdontit September 9, 2018
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