What the backup band members play when the lead singer stumbles off-stage to puke. May register both annoyance and epic heroism on the part of the remaining band members.
Even though Matthew Houck barely made it through his set, the rest of the band came through with a riotous puke jam that left the stage strewn with broken bottles, pools of whickey and an overturned drum set.
by houston-be-gone June 1, 2011
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Turtle puking, when holding a poop to the point that it is just poking out but than accidentally letting diarrhea spray into your pants. Much like the common thing called turtling but the next step up.
Guy 1: last night at the club was so embarrassing.
Guy 2: what happened?
Guy 1: I must of ate something bad because I thought I was just turtling well waiting for the washroom but I ended up turtle puking
Guy 2: bruh you did not just tell me you turtle puked at the club
by Crisper72 April 4, 2019
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A sworn oath made by a person out loud into a toilet in between uncontrollable dry heaves and torrents of vomit, offered as negotiation with God if He will end the pain.
"I puke promised to stop jackin off to nasty shit, but I threw up like four more times."
by Walter Goldshoes November 28, 2019
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Puke in a beanie during sexual act and then strain liquid from chunks by milking motion and proceeded to slap recipient with chunk material
I puke strainered the bitch
by Camelnose October 21, 2021
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A person who rides a Metric Motorcycle, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Honda or any Japanese or Asian made motorcyle.
(Fill in the blank) rides one of those Japanese made motorcycles, that's why we call him a Metric Puke.
by American Iron December 20, 2010
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What some people say that GPC cigarettes stand for.
"I didn't have enough money so I had to buy gag puke chokes"
by Kimbrlyjenn May 26, 2007
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