A Minecraft tool. Used to make grass path blocks.
Example :
Guy 1: "Hey! I got my Minecraft Shovel, don't worry!"
Guy2: "Bro, seriously, who uses that?"
Guy1:"*sad noises*"
by Lilas_gaaxance June 12, 2020
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When you put Cocaine on a female's ass, snort it, then put it on your dick and fuck her.
A: Bro last night was fucking mad
B: What happened?
A: I was shoveling snow for the first time and I almost had a heart attack
B: Bro you're a fucking legend!!!!
by TheMonoBro6969 March 6, 2018
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the phrase used wen u think something someone just said is really stupid, followed by the flipping of the bird or any other physical gesture that means "fuck u"
boss: shovel this pile of stone, and wen ur done theres a 2 ton load of stone in the back of the truck, shovel that too.

me: {sticking the middle finger up in his direction} shovel this, im taking a break.
by ZachL October 19, 2005
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A very complicated multi-step sexual act involving the third stall in a Walmart bathroom. There are over 100 steps, including literally dying and going to hell as well as complete anal prolapse, and giving away both of your kidneys.
"Sam and I totally did a Dutch Shovel last night."
"All the way to step 17?"
"You know it dude!"
by OuterSpaceEllis October 2, 2017
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"Bro, I totally did a Dutch Shovel last night"
"All the way to step 17?"
by OuterSpaceEllis October 2, 2017
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(Verb) the use of excessively long nails when pleasuring a female.

The act of fingering oneself/ someone with long fingernails.

Females masturbation with fake nails
When my chick pleasures herself, she uses just the nail tips.. she be shoveling. That deep itch.
by Phobia12 June 1, 2018
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"When Shit Breaks The Shovel" is said when something happens and there is nothing you can do about it.
"When Shit Breaks The Shovel" is said when something happens and there is nothing you can do about it.
Person 1- Yeah man, we had to break up do to some things we could change.
Person 2- That sucks bro, sometimes the shit breaks the shovel.
by CountryBoyTex July 12, 2021
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