When something is done exactly how it should not be done, but the original goal is achieved anyway. Much like how wearing a baseballcap frontside-back will make your hair stick out of the hole and form a cover against the sun anyway.
That was the biggest baseballcap effect I have ever seen when the nurse was supposed to protect the kids from viruses, but ended up killing them all, but hey, the viruses will leave them alone.
by Rito PeePee June 18, 2017
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When everyone in MKL's group performes worse then usual.
Hes not a bad player he just got hit with the MKL Effect.
by asdlnafliknafd December 20, 2022
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this effect has men crawling on their knees and drooling for that pum. we arent sure what the scientific reason for this is but only girls named yaz have this ability.
"Bro did u see the way he let her peg him?? she must have the yaz effect activated"
"dont let the yaz effect get to u bro"
by dontworryabthat December 13, 2022
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When playing a character in a game and wining one time with that character then proceeding to main that character
Guy 1:Damm dude i just won a game with little mac and dude he is over powered i think i am going to main him
Guy 2: Dude your just experiencing The Luke Effect
by Soren-Senpai March 23, 2016
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When you see someone else on tinder and you can’t help but get on tinder yourself.
The tinder effect hit Jim when he saw John swiping and decided to start swiping himself.
by G BARRS March 6, 2018
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(1) A state of mind, in which, a person starts to believe that
he/she is going to remain single forever, without any hopes
of a relationship, or physical contact with the opposite sex.

(2) Tuhibo effect is a feeling where you start to feel nervous and get performance Yips.
"That guy looks like he's got a lot of gals, bro."
"No man, I heard that he's caught the Tuhibo Effect."
"Oh mayn, we need to introduce him to a Vedant , or an Aryan."
by UzumakiNaruto73 October 26, 2017
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The instinctual feeling that it is still 2020. Shared by many members of Gen Z, who feel like past events are closer than they actually are; as if it is still 2020. Probably spurred by the pandemic and isolation, but nobody really knows where it comes from.

Most years have a satisfying ending, where after Christmas and New Years you get to reset and to on to the next year. However, COVID didn't care about the holiday season, and the defining characteristic of 2020 was carried on into the following year. In a way, it felt like 2020 never really ended.
"RIP my man Harambe"
"Dude, that meme is like 4 years old."
"I think you mean almost 8 years old."
"that's the 2020 effect"
by TheDimensionist November 6, 2023
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