A key to unlocking infinite imagination. Seriously, you can create ANYTHING with these tiny plastic bricks. From houses, to cars, and EVEN F*CKING CITIES! LEGO bricks can also be used as lethal weapons, which will immediately kill your foes when they step on them.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, take a look! I built a supercar out of these LEGO bricks!"
Guy 2: "Whaaaa? Oh, sorry, I was busy building a gigantic LEGO city!"
(Guy 1 steps on a brick, then falls to the ground)
Guy 2: "Haha! You just discovered one of my booby traps hidden in it!"
by JanTheAnimatorOfficial July 22, 2023
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A slang term for Egyptians. (because they built the pyramids.)
You need to go back to Egypt, you fuckin' lego.
by itsyaboiurmom January 22, 2020
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how make your foot go death
step on a lego and your foot will burn
by SIlkeeeeeeeeeee July 12, 2020
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Something that might murder you and everyone you know and love.
by I am god you are not god December 6, 2019
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