Living in between two sex offenders; an area where no children are safe
Now that our new neighbors moved in, we're in a pedophile pie!
by Harry Potter 23 November 11, 2017
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being a pedophile
child porn is pedophilic
-bean head
by Billyw31 March 12, 2021
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After a long hard look at ones self you would then tend to realize that where you are in a gaze would hold true for day in being the fact that you never left the cave
The end - since the end has so many different word I’ll sum it up with two


Pedophilic 💓☪️
by Nippi kay June 13, 2021
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An interesting PEDOPHILE who is not afraid to admit their SHAME and ARROGANCE.
I 5 ASE RIGHT AWAY this JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE is anti-drug , pro business , against any government regulation of corporations, pro monopoly , and very SEXY as he sure is my PEDOPHILE ADD for my bondage basement prison.
by PEDOPHILE SANDBOX August 7, 2021
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A condom filled with cum/sperm that is drank as a gogurt tube by someone more than 6 years younger than the other person.
"Did you enjoy that pedophile pudding cup, darling? "

That pedophile pudding cup was so salty.

That pedophile pudding cup could make some good crispy bacon.
by Purple_Krusher420 August 14, 2021
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Someone who was a pedophile victim as a child but who did not carry on the pedophile way of life for one reason or another. As an example, a female who chose not to bear children fearing they would be abused or a male who refused to have sex with his mother or younger female siblings. As an adult this person is brainwashed and threatened into continued silence about their childhood abuse. They are also used in an effort to gain control of non-pedophiles through sexual encounters and subsequent threat of pedophile association. They become what some call Pedophile Supporters, or the Pedophile Army, which protect pedophiles. Since they are viewed as property their owners control who they have sex with, even as adults. Many are traded amongst pedophiles in an underground network of human trafficking that encompasses not only physical sex, but cerebral sex whereby one experiences sex with another via thought/fantasying.
Unbeknownst to me, the woman I fell in love with may be Pedophile Property and I vow to rescue her.
by Pierced69 October 16, 2021
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