A person who is a good friend to have but is also a criminal who does anything for money.
A person who does freelance for money but who is also a cool person.
A person who is cool on one note and on another can become a worse enemy.
Don't Trust Snook he would do anything for money!
Snook cool but i know he be on one sometimes.
by chamberlin August 11, 2013
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1. To grab ass, uually in an unnoticed way or fashion as to not excite the victims anger.

2. A fish
Dan came up and snooked Christal while ice skating. She blew the snook off as an accident due to the very nature of Dan's atrocious skating abilities.

I totally snooked her ass.
by DTByrd December 11, 2008
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A fish commonly caught by residents and tourists of Brannonville, Florida.
"Rise and shine Brevent its time to enjoy our day at sea. I'm looking to haul in atleast 100lbs of pure bred snook."
by Brevent November 5, 2008
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To Fart Virgously, all the time.
Wow kid, don't Snook in my area.
by Milford Mike February 8, 2008
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Dual meaning: (depending on inflection)

Good: Bro
Bad: Lame, soft

bro 1: What's up snook....what's good for today?
bro 2: Ohh just the usual...smoking hookah...banging bitches.


bro 1: Hey man lets go out tonight
bro 2: No man I got a big test tomorrow
bro 1: Dude stop being a snook.
by Josue' roque June 21, 2011
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To hit a woman while one or both parties are under the influence of alcohol. Perpetrators and victims are known as "Guidos" and "Guidettes". The Origins of the word come from the 2010 series "Jersey Shore" where Snookie gets smashed in the face by a Hulking drunk mouth breathing elementary school gym teacher.
"You better shut the hell up or I am going to Snook you!"

"Debbie got Snooked! She was screaming in that guys face and he just fucking Snooked her!"
by TheHerzog January 8, 2010
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n. (1) Criminal, (2) bitch, or (3) an exclamation made to annoy someone.

v. (1) To steal from, or (2,3) any sexual verb.
1. I'm glad that snook went to jail.
2. That fucking snook took my lunch!
3. (The teacher starts to teach) and the kids (yell "snook!" at random times to annoy her).

1. I heard Johnny snooked {from} the library.
2. Yeeeahhh i got snooked last night...
3. So, do you wanna snook sometime after school?
by Bethalina April 5, 2008
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