The act of receiving a very undesirable package in the mail; usually vulgar, yet always funny! They come in different themes for almost any occasion.
John got busted screwing his girl's best friend, so his fiance sent him an annonymous package; he was totally shitboxed!
by jackson_ruby February 13, 2011
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A shit box is a person who is shit, kind of like the shit heads who go 0-10-7 and let their carry die in dota, and then when they win because they get carried, they ego you. Shitbox is usually a term used to insult shit players to leave them mentally scarred so they never play again, it tends to make them instant leave if you call them shitbox enough.
game 1:
master_pain: u suck dick, ima fucking rape u asshole u dick sucker
trjial: you're a shitbox, you know that? you fucking let invoker down, u shitbox, u fucking suck, shitbox.

game 2:
trjial: you're a shitbox
master_pain: -left the game-
by lucker1337 August 3, 2011
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"Hey, my parents are building a new house and in it I get my own shitbox attached to my room."
by sigge000001 January 19, 2010
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Taking a dump into the vagina. As in giving a shitbox.
I gave my old lady a shitbox last night.
by Jason February 6, 2005
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"Come on key key use your little shitbox!"
by HockeyGoon January 14, 2005
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shitbox A way of feeling
My god "ted" I'm feeling like a shitbox today.

by Cypryss September 18, 2005
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A retarded name for a gaming console that the stupid crapstation 2 lusers like sony roolz bitch about while raping gay men in the asshole
PS 2 = sucks
X-box = has Halo.

'Nuff said
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