Slang term for a near professional Magic: The Gathering player that spends a great amount of time honing a spore deck while neglecting others.
"I won again against Chad. He'd have a chance if he wasn't such a Penning."
by AMH7 August 18, 2008
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To take the cap off of a pen, then put it back on. Generally used to calm or distract.
When cole for rejected by a girl, he started penning to take his mind off it.
by The Penning October 31, 2013
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Something that can kill you in any second
Oh no he has a pen! RUNNNNN!
by Canadian Keyboard October 23, 2019
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Pens, penis.

A Latin 3rd declension Masculine noun declining as follows :


(Nom) Pens
(voc) Pens
(acc) Penem
(gen) Penis
(dat) Peni
(abl) Pene


(Nom) Penes
(voc) Penes
(acc) Penes
(gen) Penitum
(dat) Penitibus*
(abl) Penitibus*

(* or alternatively penitrabus)
The massive pen of the general was attacked by the enemy :

Magnus imperatoris pens ab hostibus oppugnatus est.

The great victory of the pen was announced by many girls :

Magna penis victoria ab multis puellis nuntiata est.pens

if you like 2 touch your pen use the hashtag pens on social media
by h gyvyvyvtgvtgvgyhbyg jn j February 2, 2017
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Drawing and/or writing on the first person who falls asleep/passes out at a slumber party or social gathering. Usually done with a sharpie. A practical joke that has a little more dignity than teabagging.
After his fourth shot of vodka, Tommy was vulnerable to a good penning.
by theclevercat February 22, 2009
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Noun: virginity. To "lose your pen" is to "lose your virginity". To "borrow another's pen" is to "fuck them", in simple terms.
1. I got into bed last night and borrowed Emily's pen.
2. Felicia, guess what? I lost my pen to Bejan last night.
by Felicia41728 December 22, 2005
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It originated from the name of the male reproductive organ. It is the same shape and in some cases it is probably the size of yours if you are a guy reading this. Don't get fooled by pen and penis. Don't forget to put a space after pen when it is followed by the verb is, otherwise you would have spelt penis. See exemple below.
That pen is miniscular.
by French May 20, 2003
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