The Manjur is a musical instrument used in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf but with East African origins. It is made of Goofs attached to a cloth. It is performed by tying the instrument around the waist. The performer shakes his or her hip to create a rattle sound when the goofs collide with each other. FACT.

goat, hoof, manjur, dirty arab, persian, african, musical instrument
by Perraldite March 18, 2009
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Slamming an entire can of an energy drink in a matter of seconds.
I don't know how I'm gonna go out tonight, I better get goofed before hand!
by January 21, 2010
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A term of endearment, used towards someone you like, but don't like enough to call a pet name.

A goof may not always necessarily be a bad connotation, although it is often taken as one in the defense of the person being called a goof.
Guy 1: Look at that guy, he's always such a goof!
Girl 2: Yeah, I know, it's just adorable!

Mr. Smith sure is quite the love-able goof today!
by Oakes January 18, 2011
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A goof is a like saying you’re funny, a joker, jester, a laughing stock, comedian, one who makes others laugh
ya fuckin goof
by anamda October 21, 2019
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a goof is a child molester in prison that likes little boys , they are usually murdred or beaten into comas.
to bag a goof gets glory and rewards.
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(v.) 1. To waste time idly. 2. To mess up something. 3. To tease (goof on).

(n.) A silly or inept person.
Because I goofed (waste time), I goofed (messed up) my speech, and even worse, Nadia goofed on (teased) me for it; now I feel like such a goof (inept person).
by papermachete October 30, 2005
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