An unidentified species of bug that solely resides in $30 and under sleazy motels. The species is so rare, it has never been seen, and therefore can only be identified by its distinctive call, a high pitched NAR NAR sound. Nar Nar Bugs have not been know to cause any harm to humans, other than annoyance and lack of sleep, and the occasional "screaming like a school girl" syndrome.
"Shush...don't you hear that?..right there. That sound, its a NAR NAR sound. Must be a Nar Nar Bug..."

"Dr. Steve's countless years of field research and patience never paid off for him, as the Nar Nar Bug has yet to be spotted in person or captured on film."

"Your annoying as one of those fooking Nar Nar Bugs!"
by Travis A Brown April 15, 2008
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describes X-treme joy over an awesome event or feeling
Yo, bro! You hit that pow pow? It was sicky nar nar!
by Bradford's Finest August 24, 2006
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When you tell your freind who is going into the gas station or store "hey dude can you see if they have any nar-nars in there?" and when he comes back out and said he asked and they said no you can laugh at him because NO....a nar-nar isnt like a zinger,a ding-dong, a twinkie or any other of those scrumptious little cupcake snackers.....its just a slang term for a VAGINA>
"do you guys carry nar-nars???"


"um....ok how about twinkies where r the twinkies?"

by Christi na lee May 20, 2008
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1.Something that is by nature disgusting or repulsive
2. Something that really sucks
variations: gangles, gangly, nar
ohh dude, thats gangly nar nar
by nainainai May 8, 2006
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adj. "sicky-nar-nar" or "sicky-nar" is used to describe something that blew your mind, rocked your world, or otherwise kicked-ass.

It is derived from the common words "sick" and "gnarly" and is most often used to describe a dangerous trick on something with wheels or a board, or to describe a social function where everbody got wasted.

If you are the first to use this word in your group of friends, it is customary to charge others a dollar for the use of the word once they have heard it.
"Dude, did you see Matt pull off that backflip? It was sicky-nar-nar."

"That party was sicky-nar." "Dude, you owe David five bucks now."
by Lunaman September 22, 2006
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derived from the words hella (norcal) as in of hell or of extreme intensity to the degree of which might be likened to hell and gnarly (socal) as in gnarled or of extreme intensity to the degree of which might be likened to twistedness.
Jenny's got a rad body but her face is hella nar nar.


That blunt Donny had was hella nar nar! I'm still f*ed up!
by marymaroon November 24, 2007
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the act of shredding ones hymen...
Last night i went over to CJ's house, had sex with his virgin cousin and decided to Shred the Nar Nar (hymen)
by 8675309digger May 22, 2008
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