Sometimes interchangeable with Tucheansele, but shake my hand has to be for some good statement while Tucheansele can be for anything that was powerful, even if it insulted you.
Manny: The good trails are that way.
Alex: Shake My Hand.
by MisterPoops January 25, 2009
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Sarcastic Reply.
when asked to do something unpleasant or tedious, this response sums up how horrid you think that task is- and you are not going to do it .
Teacher: Smith, can you help me to hand out these excercise books to the rest of the class?
Smith: no chance...I'd rather shit in my hands and clap. Sir.
by Mr Cunninglinguist August 18, 2013
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This syndrome has been made popular by Rebeecca Black's "Friday" song.

The syndrome has been relatively ignored until this point. This has been a condition that effects all ages and races. Some of the signs of My-hand-is-a-Dolphin Syndrome (a.k.a. MHISADS) is the need to roll down the window in the car when you are "kicking it" in the front-seat or in the back-seat with your friends, then sliding your arm out and moving your hand and forearm up and down in a fashion which appears like a dolphin riding a bow of a ship.
Ryan - "Yeah, i was taking Nick home and all of a sudden, he started moving his hand up and down out the window like a damn dolphin"

Kevin - "Wow! I guess he caught that My-hand-is-a-Dolphin Syndrome. That's crazy! Hope you don't get it"
by einsBAMF69 April 26, 2011
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An unfortunate circumstance. When something just isn't going your way.
Jeff: Oh man. Dicks in my hand. This traffic is ridiculous.
Jordan: I've never had so many dicks in my hand right now. This test is awful.
by BTaylor4 June 12, 2013
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A more direct way of alerting someone that you are no longer available to whine to.
Mary: Chad cheated on me and I really need someone to talk to.

You: I'm not going to say: "I told you so". I'm washing my hands of this madness.
by Felhamster October 14, 2009
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taste of the back of my hand (give you a)

To give someone a backhanded slap across the face.
Shuttup ho, or ill give you a taste of the back of my hand!
by George December 19, 2004
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To beat or inflict facial pain using the back of the hand, usually used in the context of domestic violence. Common expression of trailer trash and deep country inbreds.
“I done show the back of my hand to her a couple times but that’s it !”
by JohnnyDonkyBallz December 7, 2020
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