"for the niggas"
by Fortheniggas February 22, 2014
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Well even thoe F.T.N stands for fuck the navy mine stands for fortnite F for fort T for fortttt and n for nite
Wow did you hear About the new player on FTN yeah whats his user. Its FTN Synth
by FTN SYNTH February 20, 2018
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Q: whats ur bands name..

A: FTN listen to this song...
by blue blood November 24, 2008
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Fuck these Niggas
Oh I’m ftn all summer

What does that mean?
Fuck these niggas
by bigdoit June 7, 2022
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Fuck the Nazis-most often used as punctuation or a hashtag.
White supremacists are surrounding the site in their red hats and swastika flags. Punch 'em all!! #FTN
by JZap69 October 29, 2020
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It can mean fuck the navy fuck the nigg*rs or fort nigh t
Yo see the guy that made this

hes the most real ftn synther
by FTN SYNTH May 25, 2019
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