1. to son Kobe only score 12 points last night Lebron James had that nigga on smash the whole night. 2. yo tia has this nigga greg on smash, he do what ever she tells him to do. 3. yo im getting an A on that class i got that class on smash
by rudy February 4, 2005
by Jigga what March 27, 2005
Similar to Netflix and chill, Smash and smash is the act of having someone over and playing Super Smash Bros and then following that with one or more sexual acts.
by CannoliStuffer September 6, 2015
I looked at my girl and said SMASHINGS...because I want to grab her and break her apart cuz I love her so much.
by 93 yourcultleader93 July 25, 2020
to be successful
by Iman1359 February 28, 2010
a) To be heavily intoxicated, to the point where behaviour is erratic and the ability to walk straight is no more.
b) broken through
b) broken through
a) "A lot of people up here are getting really fucking smashed. I've seen like four people carried out in front of me and the show just fuckin' started" - Axl Rose
b) smashed window
b) smashed window
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 21, 2004
by vicky March 19, 2005