Feminism was about equality.Now (Modern Feminism) is about retarded women with no brain and no logic, bitching about everything men do and acting always like they are a victim.If you see a modern feminist you should shoot her/him immediately and make the world a better place.
Feminism is no more about equality.It is about retarded uneducated whores
by JohnHighway January 1, 2015
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Feminism has a diversion of meanings
A long time ago it was meant for the rights of women, being able to vote and the ability to own land.
Very quickly, though, once the rights were gained, the feminists went to getting against using masculine pronouns to tell about a group of people that could be male or female.
Those 2 were very good examples of feminism.
Though then, feminism started becoming something different. Instead of changing "he" to "them" or alike, it was then turned into "she".
Alot of feminism was then women opposing men, women deciding that they were superior to males and they were better and more perfect in many ways.
Neither is true. Women=Humans and Men=Humans. Neither have a superiority to eachother.

From the start, it was going against sexism. Now, most feminism is becoming sexism itself.
Real feminism includes both men and women, also including myself.
I believe that men and women are equal and should not be subject to sexual descrimination.
Many of the definitions on here you may see is greatly biased, as the people for feminism only focus on the good; the thought that feminism is against all types of stereotype "ism's", and the people against, only focus on examples like Germaine Greer who is by far a fake and sexist feminist, who denounces all men to be subhuman, inferiors and rapists.

Feminism in general is a great view of humanity in my opinion, but many hurt the philosophie's reputation by turning the good
A True Feminist would say that Women and men are equal, they shouldn't be sexually torn apart in any ways
Sexist feminists would say that all gender neutral pronouns should be said using feminine pronouns
Actual example:
Sexist male: Women are shit
True feminist female: No, women are equal. Sexism is bad. Don't be like that
Another example
Sexist male: Women are shit
Sexist feminist female: No, women are the best and men are shit.
Another example
Feminism believing male: Men and women are equal
Sexist feminist female: No, women are not equal to men. Men are inferior.
by Skast March 3, 2014
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Hey, what's that fat woman with the side shaved hair doing yelling at every man she sees?

That, my friend, is a feminist. Also known as Trash. The reason why she's yelling at every man is because most woman who think we need feminism are incredibly sexist against men.
by Doggosamirite December 20, 2016
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Was originally a good idea but now has changed into a hate group that spreads false statistics and propaganda

-like going to prison for 14 years for yelling at your wife
-"Men can't get raped"
-being labeled as a rapest for having sex with a drunk girl
by Chumley69 December 20, 2014
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the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes*.
*merriam-webster dictionary
Feminism is about equality. Men and women pay the same in college tuition costs. It doesn't make sense that once we leave college and get the same job that women should make 75-cents for every dollar men make*.
*from U.S. Census Bureau
by carolina blue March 2, 2010
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What women think is gender equality, but is actually just trying to downgrade men.
People who believe in feminism are crazy
by melonismynamebytheway May 18, 2020
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Thinly veiled masadism
Girl 1:"we should kill all men!"

Girl 2:"yassss feminist icon"

by Vanillabryce08 May 13, 2021
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