diagonaled is a verb for two numbers that are placed diagonally to each other in a proportion equation.
The easiest way to solve for the unknown in a proportion is to multiply the two numbers diagonaled to each other and then divide by the number diagonaled to the unknown 'X'.
by Grok Mathing December 31, 2016
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When you cut across an intersection diagonally rather than using the crosswalks
Okay guys this crosswalks quick so we're gonna need to do a dirty diagonal
by Dirty Dani3l October 15, 2023
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An erect penis. Term first used in the book The Forever Question: Goonocracy.
"He used his diagonal protrusion to activate an uncomfortable conversation by poking her ear."
by Prolapsing Profusely August 16, 2011
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Diagonal nosing is the act of inserting your nose into a woman's belly button, whether sexual or non-sexual is irrelevant.
"Hey, bro, did you hear what Max did to Cait?"

"No, man, what happened?"

"He diagonal nosed her, dude."

"Oh, dang, bro, I didn't know she was into diagonal nosing."
by Dapper Damp June 11, 2022
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diagonal nosing is the act of inserting your nose into a woman's belly button, whether sexual or non-sexual is irrelevant.

Can be a serious moment or just a laughable act.
"Hey, bro, did you hear what Max did to Cait?"

"No, man, what did he do?"

"He shoved his nose into her bellybutton! He diagonal nosed her, bro!"

"Ah, dang, dude, I didn't know she was into diagonal nosing."
by Dapper Damp June 11, 2022
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The act of an object projected into a diagonal movement.
The diagonalation of the spacecraft caused it to go off course and burn up upon re-entry of Earth's Atmosphere.
by Spud Bizzle September 15, 2009
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