The temporary lack of sense on your tastebuds due to being high.

Deaf is to hearing loss as
Zed is to tasting loss.
I can't tell if this pineapple is sweet because im zed right now.
by Mojojojoluck August 3, 2018
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A violent bugamist Biker. (See Pulp Fiction)
Zed played eeny-meeny-miney-moe to decide who he was going to bugger first.
by Tim Freckman March 14, 2003
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A really weird way to say Z. Used by Australians, the British, and Canadians. The Alphabet should only be pronounced with vowels, not with other included letters such as "d"...

See also: Zee, the correct way of saying the letter Z...
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Zed.
by Zeddy! April 3, 2006
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1.) (alphabetic character) How Canadians say the letter "Z".

2.) (noun) A character from the 1994 movie "Pulp Fiction". He's friends with Maynard (the owner of the pawn shop that Marsellus Wallace and Butch Coolidge find themselves trapped in in the latter part of the movie).
1.) "They never learned their alphabet from A to Zed." - "Weird Al" Yankovic ("Canadian Idiot")

2.) FABIENNE: Who is Zed?
BUTCH: Zed's dead, baby! Zed's dead.
by Chief of the Okhrana November 4, 2019
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The incorect way to say "Z". Commmonly used by Cannucks and Brits.
B = "bee", C = "see", D = "dee", E = "Ee", G = "gee", P = "pee",
T = "tee", V = "vee", and Z = "zee"
by Dancing Dude Sean July 16, 2005
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A verb meaning "to rape." Taken from the name of the rapist character in "Pulp Fiction."
"That bastard tried to Zed my wife, so I had to strangle him."
by Mr. Walken July 3, 2004
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Zed is a very beautiful girl that will always be caring and loving. Zed is determined to finish what she has started and turn things from wrong to right in a anyway she can; but, if she’s not interested she probably won’t do very well. You do noT want to get on her bad side otherwise you will regret it: she will find anything that you said and most likely use it against you. She can be very sassy and bitchy sometimes, but that’s rare. Zed always loves being smart around people.
Zed’s Such an amazing friend!
by SecretPersonShh1 December 9, 2017
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