Mommy milker thick thigh nice booty good girlfriend type real loyal ! You definitely want her and she pretty asf
Boy 1: I what a girl bro
Girl 1: how about my friend Talia?

Boy1: she pretty asf dayum
Girl 1: I know
by Mommymilk227 June 10, 2021
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A girl who minds her damn business, a little awkward but very chill.
Oh she pulled a Talia
Did that girl just face plant? That’s so Talia.
by Tmoneeeey January 5, 2019
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Talia is the most beautiful person on the earth. She is most of the time loving and caring for others . She has the most beautiful eyes . She thinks most of the boys that she sees are cute . If you are

dating her you are lucky to be with her . She loves horror movies and likes drawing them too . She the most beautiful smile ever seen . She sometimes does not listen to you especially if Keanu Reeves is on her phone . She loves her hair shot and she is always short . She can be clueless and also clumsy and it’s so funny . She loves too have her stuff organized. She loves to write. She loves her hair to be up . She never likes to show her feet. She can be funny and she has the most funniest laugh ever. She is shy at first but once she gets to know you she brings out her iner Talia . She can be super loud. If you meet her be careful she can also be a little mean sometimes
Talia is hot
by Bobby the kid September 22, 2019
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Talia is always right. Talia is a girls name which screams "lesbian". Dont mess with Talia on minecraft or she'll kick you.
You:Hey Talia!
You:Your gay world sucks!
Talia:*Kicks you*
by I_SAID_IM_NOT_GAY October 27, 2019
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She has really dark and offensive humor, she is kinda shy until she gets to know you, she likes burritos. She’s Mexican. Her life is all Sorts of messed up and she doesn’t have many friend but she don’t care hehehehe
No one:
Talia: “I’m a BeAnEr
by Jskskskksksks March 26, 2019
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A girl who is beautiful and lights up the room. She is very comfortable around her friends and is loud and talks way too much. She is mixed, half Caribbean and European. Talia is also very brave and boy crazy. she would even ask a boy to a dance- even when its not Saddie Hawkins Day! She lets any one walk all over her and does not say a word about it. So all of her anger is pent up inside of her and it all will come out of her in one angry blur.
"Talia, why are you so mad?!?"
"Sorry, everyone makes me soooo mad!!!
by Cool Beans 12 May 23, 2016
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She claims she isn't a hipster hoe (yet we all know she is). While she can be a hoe, and a hipster, she's overall a really nice person. She's fine with just chilling and not saying a word to eachother. Did a mention SHES THICK AS FUCK.
That's Talia?
You mean the best person ever and only one that matters? Yes
by L3gendDairy January 3, 2017
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