When a bitch flashes her tiddies after drinking vodka
Did you see Paige’s tiddies

Hell ya those Tito tiddies were fire
by Cumchatta12 June 10, 2021
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When you are doing a bitch, while drunk as hell and slip your dick into her asshole pretending it was an accident
I gave this bitch a funky tito last night and she had no idea it was coming
by TheFunkyTito September 17, 2005
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The act of restarting until it works
"My internet isn't working" "have you tried the tito method?"

"I tried the tito method 13 times to make my pc work
by The Underscore Bro March 8, 2022
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A dismissive turn of phrase used when you don't actually care about what the other person is saying.
"Hey Angelo, I just got a promotion!"
"Neato Tito."
by Valtarre October 1, 2019
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A creature that plays Fortnite full time. Upon landing immediately says "I'm Dead". Be careful when he gets a p90, he's guaranteed to die when he decides to go Rambo with it. As soon as he picks up a burst he's guaranteed to average one kill per game. With those stats it makes the competition tremble in fear.
I picked up a p90 and went full tito cen and died.
by The Fury November 15, 2018
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When you're trying to nail a girl and keep getting shut down, so you wait until she's in her 50's and everyone else has banged her and left her a tattered shell of her former self, then have a pop and act like you achieved something
Wow you seen john finally banged Tina after all this time... totally did the Tito Ortiz
by Autistic_Beardy November 27, 2018
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