Worse than a swot, a person who sucks up to teachers, follows all school rules and is maybe not smart, but incredibly hardworking.
To boot, the stew usually has a sneaky or annoying personality.
Usually used in Northern Ireland
See that girl, over there? She does favours for the teachers, has a long skirt and done top button and got 100% in that deadly physics test!
She is such a stew!
by SnowPatrolFan April 2, 2007
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BR_Player: Hey how do I get wood?
PhrozenN: stew.
BR_Player: what does that mean?
PhrozenN: just stew.
by neilson December 30, 2008
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Money, a typical Valois term.
I'd go see the movie but i dont have enough stew.
by - September 6, 2003
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(n.) buscuit dip. indigenous to crockpots.
i sure love that stew. It makes them buscuits even better.
by T-Dog Jenkins February 7, 2005
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A far cooler alternative to owned, pwned, or served that generally means you were dissed. Most effective following a bad "your mom" joke.
Anne: Well that was pretty quick.
Amanda: Your mom was pretty quick...last night!
Cara: OHHHHH you just got STEWED!
by ShivaPie December 23, 2005
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A stupid person or action, or anything dumb/stupid. the abbreviation for stupid
1.eww thats stew.
2.OMG you are so stew.
3.That class today was stew.
by young tay March 25, 2011
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"ohh this pizza stew is delicious"
you can use it for anything
by iamright12345 August 3, 2020
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