A man who uses his last name as an excuse to drive early in life.
Eric Pickup!!! Your in 3rd grade, time for some lessons!
by Spirit_Not_Pact January 19, 2012
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A person skilled in the art of seduction or "pick up".
The pickup artist went up to the girl at the bar. After 20 minutes of conversation they were on their way to his house to fuck.
by Spit Blood April 15, 2003
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something you say to a ho to pick her up for the night but you always regret it afterwards
"I wonder what our children will look like."
by Dick Jones May 28, 2004
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Something a scrawny computer nerd calls himself to sound cool in front of other nerds.
computer user 1: I am totally a pickup artist
computer user 2: The last time you walked in front of a girl you pissed your pants
by Roguetrick March 3, 2007
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A strand of words used to pickup hot girls.
Joe: "Are you a house, cause your thick and I wanna be inside of you."
Candice: " Wow nice Pickup line."
by Kyyuss June 10, 2021
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Noun: A person who orders takeout for the whole office and pays for each order separately rather than pooling the money beforehand and figuring out the change later.
Shep missed his train because some pickup artist at the front of the line in the restaurant freaked out when Bob’s envelope was a dollar short.
by Dorkmuffin May 2, 2019
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A term used to request a friend or family member to pick you up from a certain location in their vehicle.
Me: Requesting a tactical pickup from school
Mum: Inbound
by LewisBoswell May 28, 2018
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