(adj.) Abnormally large or unnaturally massive. Usually used when talking about a big penis.
Woah man, that dong is fuckin mandingo! How'd ya grow that one?
by komaz August 29, 2019
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an extremely large male penis (usually of african american make?)
whoa that guys has a big mandingo, shiiiit.
by MilfHuntr February 7, 2004
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Man, Ludacris got hit in the mandingo while playing at Prospect Park!
by Stephen November 26, 2002
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The stereotypical "man" in a homosexual relationship. The counter term is "mandissa," which refers to the stereotypical "female." For example, a mandingo would open the door for his mandissa, he would pay for dinner on dates, he would actively pursue his mandissa. Generally, the mandingo is the top, or the inserter, during intercourse. Most mandingos could pass for straight, while mandissas are obviously gay.
OMG! Look at that mandingo's hairy chest. I just want him to tear off my clothes and eat me.
by cbarbs May 23, 2006
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MANDANGO's lil' bro, not as strong or powerful
MANDANGO knocked out his lil' bro Mandingo with his monster
by wallball April 14, 2008
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Sarah had an undiagnosed fear of black penis. Mandingo-Phobia that left her Frozen and unable to Speak.
by VanKirkSter January 28, 2017
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