being an absolute psychotic, narcissistic, jersey shore wanna be when you have reached an age of which you should act like a mature reasonable adult. Most commonly found among older women who party more then they should.
Can you believe my ex girlfriend last night she was being such a Jacy!
by Dras5Hat July 30, 2012
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A girl that gets a little freaky when she sees a couch. But she also is commonly seen wearing black beanies.
Guy 1,”I just saw Jaci”
Guy 2,” Don’t let her on your couch
by Nick7838 January 1, 2019
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Jacy is a boy name but can be for girls too. Jacy means moon in a Native American language. Jacy is a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She always wants to wear dark things and doesn't have a bright personality. She seems crazy when she is with other people but on the inside she is a very quiet and intelligent person. Not very many guys like her and she doesn't have a lot of friends but she tries really hart to fit in. She will become a very wealthy person. She will have all of the guys coming for her. Jacy is very confused about her life and is always upset though she does not show it.
Jacy is a girl that is confused in life.
by thenamedefinitions December 4, 2018
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She is a funny girl and a good friend. Sometimes she’s goofy and sometimes she’s moody. She likes to date guys with the same name. Jaci is also the French word for donkëy. she also finds her cousins attractive.
by Ajdnk April 13, 2020
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A tall, skinny, lovable guy who is always there for you no-matter what. He's protective and caring, and he loves when you are secretly sweet to him when you're mean to everyone else. NOT A GIRL NAME.
I love you, Jacie.
by blehhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! December 14, 2010
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That one freaky cat lady who the slap of her ass cheeks alerts the guards because she’s dummy thiccccc. She could throw that ass back in a circle and cause a worldwide seismic wave. She also got cute cats and could run me over.
Damn if only the world had more dirty jaci’s
by Yarma April 16, 2020
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