the ex-mascot of mcdonalds who had a thing for stealing milkshakes untill ronald MCdonald became the new mascot and cut grimace's arms off for stealing.
me:"ever noticed how grimace used to have four arms?"
dave:"its common practice to cut thieves arms off where ronald comes from"
dave:"its common practice to cut thieves arms off where ronald comes from"
by hay im mud August 25, 2008
by SocratestheMoist December 12, 2011
A fat chick that wears a purple sundress or any other "Grimaceesque" type clothing (anything purple, even shoes)
by P.O.P. II May 21, 2010
by squeedlespooge April 18, 2004
A big purple "thing" used as a mascot by McDonalds, which is actually a beetroot milkshake who was once an evil fiend who STOLE milkshakes and had multiple arms.
by Bail February 6, 2004
the annoying purple monster from mcdonalds, a pained expression on one's face or a creepy guy named Chris.
by Joel Herren May 30, 2005