The type of music played in a JC Penney. You’d be shocked that some play different music than others
Why are they playing The Weeknd in the jcp in Glendale? Oh, it’s their jcp dialect
by hubsta September 19, 2021
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When two black monkey crickets are banging each other in the butt and one of them snaps their penis in the others' asshole until it bleeds and the poop turns it into a chocolate fountain that gives it the carbon effect of flash.
Wow! Did you see George Floyd and Bill Cosby attain the carbon dialect last night?
by adamsandlerdbd1 July 20, 2021
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He is one of the hottest upcoming rappers in Stockton, Ca. His lyrical miracles are like a fresh pair of kicks after stepping in doo doo. His words are like water after a long run. His flow is like a pool full of women on a hot summer day. His steez is unimaginable and his drip is contagious. His unique style and unmatched worth ethic sets him apart from rapper bums.
Dialect is lyrically superior to many rappers you know
by Steezmachine November 23, 2021
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He is one of the hottest upcoming rappers coming out the 209. His lyrical miracles are like a pair of fresh kicks after stepping in doo doo. His words are like water after a long run. His flow is like a pool full of women on a hot summers day. His steez is unimaginable and his drip is contagious. His unique style and unmatched worth ethic sets him apart from other rapper bums.
Dialect is lyrically superior to many other rappers
by Steezmachine November 23, 2021
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Dialectical Praxeology is an ancap stalinist and capitalist communist (CapCom) theory that unites praxeology with dialectical materialism, where all human behavior and actions are result from the conflict of social forces and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions. The conflict is believed to be caused by material needs. Dialectical Praxeology also advocates that there are a struggle between the material needs and the human behavior, not just humans, but also for all living beings as well, where all material needs are shape the behavior of living beings such as the behavior of living beigs shape the material needs as well.
"Dialectical Praxeology is a capitalist communist theory, mainly used by capcoms and some kinds of anarchists to justify how the material conditions actually shape the behavior of humans such as humans shape the material conditions of the world they live in, leading into an infinite struggle between human behavior and material conditions."
by Full Monteirism March 21, 2021
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A dialectic in which, over the course of a non-Tarski space, an uncountable set of points called 'Tarski-interior points' yield to an infinite set of points entering the mind non-Tarski space or transfinite-space via supersymmetry.

The infinite set of points enters the transfinite (non-Tarski) space via poly-nominalism from super-symmetry; while the uncountable set exists in the Tarski-interior via sub-lumination uncountable movement from Maya.

In plain English--consideration (path-of-sense) wins over counting (momentous information) in the plane-of-the-mind.
Kantianism is a theory of free will in-the-mind.

It relies on an external device called 'aesthetic process judgement' or The Limina, called "forma-spinning."

It argues that; in the mind; sense triumphs over the present moment. This is because consideration is always counting; but counting is not always consideration.

The Kantian dialectic relies on an external device Kant called the 'thing-in-itself' or "free-will-in-itself."
by flightfacilities May 12, 2022
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1) Fancy academic term for the inquiry of truths in an opinion

2) See: Hegelian dialectic, Dialectical materialism, Hegelianism
1) The two exchanged dialectics with regards to the recent statements made by the president.

2) For Hegel, the concrete, the synthesis, the absolute, must always pass through the phase of the negative, in the journey to completion, that is, mediation. Day must always be met with night; either one cannot stay forever. A peaceful kingdom will always be met with a violent revolution. The sun will eventually explode and earth will ultimately become stardust for yet another star and its planetary system. Nothing is stagnant or fixed in the grand scheme of things; its current state is the reflection and outcome of a long chain of events in the past, and is still destined to an endless cycle of renewal. This is the essence of what is popularly called Hegelian dialectics.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 23, 2021
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