A band great for someone who has never listened to Radiohead, U2 or Oasis. You basically have to have very bland and generic music tastes to enjoy them. Being a Coldplay fan is like the music equivalent of enjoying Twilight.
This douche "Coldplay is so awesome!"
Me "Well they're okay, but they are nothing special."
This douche "Shut up! I bet you listen to Fall out Boy or Panic! at the Disco! Loud music without depth or soul!"
Me "Um, know, not liking one band does not entail that I like these bands at all. Just let me listen to whatever I like to listen to."
This douche "Idiot!"
Me "Just leave me alone."
by ThatOneGuyYouGrewToHate July 23, 2012
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Wicked awesome band from some other country.
"Once, I listened to a song by Coldplay, and I liked it so much I went out and told my friend's mom that Coldplay is really good and she should probably buy their newest album because it's really good."
by Excellent June 15, 2003
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basically, you're gay if you DON'T listen to them.
Me: Awe, man, I love Coldplay. "Fix You" always makes me cry.

Fag: This shit is retarded.

Me: You don't listen to Coldplay?

Fag: Hell no, that's pussy shit.

Me: You're a fucking fag. Coldplay is the shit.
by sadiejo April 19, 2010
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When a group of people sit around in the cold, and you play with yourself, and the first person to get an erection in the cold wins.
Chris Martin: Hey what should be the name of our band?

Guy Berryman: (Cupping his balls) I win!

Chris Martin: How about Coldplay?
by chrismartinloverBV1989 June 3, 2010
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A decent band but now over rated
''....and it was all yellow''
by Brendan October 6, 2003
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A fairly good band filled with a pretentious lead singer who named his daughter after a fruit.
"You know how I know you're gay... because you like Coldplay." - that guy from that movie about that other guy who didn't get any until he was 40.
by bad mutha stfu May 3, 2006
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Chilling the body temperature to impersonate a corpse for the purpose of lovemaking.
"I had the hooker sit on a bucket of ice, because I wanted her lady parts to be chilled, I'm into coldplay"
by Deadhophkr January 20, 2010
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