Can-uck, a contraction between Canadian and Fuck;
Used to describe a person from Canada that you have fucked, or are currently fucking.
Also used to describe a person from Canada that is an asshole, or a fuck.
I took this chubby bitch home last night, and found out she was a Canuck because she kept screaming "AYY!!" while I fucked her.

Chad Kroege, lead singer of Nickelback, is a Canuck.
by Rollinjsmann December 6, 2007
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An alternate word for f***er.
John: "You're such a mother f***er, Ben!"

Ben: "I bet you can't go one day without saying that word."

John: "Wanna bet, mother canucker?"
by Drake-C July 23, 2011
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a group of retarted inbred french decendants that live north of the border of the USA in a cold, barren wasteland known as canadia.
Guy 1: Check out those walking douches, theyre all canucks.
Guy 2: Well fuck them, the horse they rode in on and every1 else in Canada those maple syrup ass bastards!
by HaggardAss December 13, 2005
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A person from the Australian state of Queensland; used by New South Welshman in the derogative.

Explanation: the three eastern states of Australia are Queensland in the north, Victoria in the south, and New South Wales between them. Using North America as a guide, the states are colloquially known as Canada, Mexico and the USA respectively. As such, with canuck being a slang term for Canadian, it too becomes a slang term Queenslander.
NSWer: Those canucks drink Four X because they can't spell beer.
by Aspirex January 10, 2006
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1. When you go to Canada typically on vacation and fuck a Canadian. Most common in the summer months.
Maganushi: Hey I was just in Canada for 10 days

Scandalinni: Oh yea? how was it?

Maganushi: It was great, the woman are fucking fantastic...had 3 or 4 canuck fucks. They all screamed the same thing. " Oh Fuck Yea"
by Bag of dohnutz August 13, 2010
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Brad is from Canada and dont believe a word he says. He is bluff canuck.
by Wise Merican December 19, 2013
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Similar to Dutch oven, but with the Canadian twist of wearing a snow suit. This unfortunate event occurs when you pass gas while wearing a snow suit and the odours waft up the suit right into your face.
The other day while I was running after the puck while playing street hockey I canuck ovened myself. It was gross cuz we ate poutines for lunch that day.
by chantz0007 January 16, 2012
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