maple syrup

That weird gooey liquid that bleeds out of most Canadians when you cut them open.

by Kittykat10001 February 22, 2019
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maple syrup

something that has to be on the table before the pancakes
"Maple syrup has to be on the table before the pancakes."
-Rain Man,1988
by bfk94 September 6, 2010
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maple syrup

The ejaculate of a native-born Canadian male.
Come on, baby, shoot that maple syrup all over my face.
by I Love Vancouver USA June 7, 2009
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maple syrup

The Canadian code word for methaphetamines. This is because you can use it on anything. Also note that Canadian bacon should be changed to freedom ham.
This maple syrup is great on this Canadian bacon(freedom ham)
by Milo Dangler March 26, 2005
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maple syrup

a condiment commonly used as a lubricant during salad tossing or rimming. while maple syrup is the most widely used condiment, strawberry syrup or grape jelly may also be used.
Mmmmmm.... Your ass tastes fantastic! This maple syrup really sets off the flavor of your bung!
by melonie August 10, 2007
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maple syrup

Term used for the male semen.
"Will you drink my maple syrup?"
by Brennan and Seth January 6, 2006
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Maple Syrup

A sweet condiment made from boiling down the sap of sugar maple trees. Outside of northern New England and Quebec, maple syrup is usually eaten with pancakes or waffles. Inside of northern New England and Quebec, it is eaten with ice cream, hot dogs, fried dough, milkshakes, donuts, hot cereals, baked beans and most other foods.

Maple syrup: the only condiment you'll ever need.

Do you want some maple syrup to go with that?
by Lees Ben April 7, 2009
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