CANUCK: noun Ca·nuck: A Canadian, Canucker: A Canadian who embodies Canadiana lifestyle.
Your a real Canucker with that lumber jack flanel and Tim Hortons coffee .

Canuckers enjoy out door skating rinks, cabin/cottage life, and 100% pure maple syrup on their pancakes.

That Canucker enjoys toque hats, and back country hiking/camping.
by @TheCanucker April 21, 2018
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An alternate word for f***er.
John: "You're such a mother f***er, Ben!"

Ben: "I bet you can't go one day without saying that word."

John: "Wanna bet, mother canucker?"
by Drake-C July 23, 2011
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A term for Canadians like "Yankee" to Americans. Comes from a WWI comic book called "Johnny Canuck" a Canadian soldier in the war. Also the name of Vancouver's NHL team
by mbh September 23, 2003
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1. Slang term for Canadian

2. Lumberjack/Woodsman

3. Member or fan of the Vancouver Canucks NHL team.
1. "Those Canucks visited from north of the border"

2. "People think all Canadians are lumberjacks, which isn't true. A lot of us play hockey instead."

3. "The Canucks had a great season, but lost to the Bruins in the cup final."
by Jquiet November 6, 2011
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Those canucks sure say eh and sorry alot...what is up with that? No wonder everyone just wants to go and squeak their cheeks...they're just too cute...albeit monotonous...LOL.

Canadian nickname
by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015
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