Objectively, the prerogative is to enforce that any consensually or non-consensually pregnant woman is forced to give birth to her child, regardless of extreme physical pain, psychological trauma (rape,) potential death (miscarriage, vaginal bleeding,) their own fully developed humanity, conscience, relatives, children, or the fact that the baby (no matter how valued by others) is of their creation and responsibility.

This indirectly portrays pregnant women as little more than human incubators; Pro-life is considered by some to be an unconscious form of female objectification/anti-feminism.

Some Pro-lifers (some of whom are men and/or otherwise incapable of experiencing the pain of child-birth) seem to believe they have a self-given right to regulate the abilities of pregnant women.

However, it should be noted that despite some Pro-lifers are an embarrassment to others, some are actually polite, intelligent and have substantial respect for the concerns/conditions of pregnant mothers.
Jack: "Just because I'm pro-life doesn't mean I condone violence against women, or the reduction of their rights."

Jamie: "You could be in support of specific women's rights, but that doesn't change the fact you condone the removal of one of two significant choices made available to mothers and rape victims."

Jack: "I can understand your sentiments, but my approach to the removal of abortion would be gradual, sensitive and respectful."

Jamie: "Maintaining such a seemingly justifiable cause would be challenging in light of your blatant opposition to established women's rights."

Jack: "It would be replaced with a system that provided unanimous support and respect for pregnant women."

Jamie: "Well, at least you'd be willing to establish such a system in its place, as opposed to just destroying abortion clinics and bellowing misogynistic profanities."

Jack: "I know you don't agree with my sentiments, but thanks for at least understanding them."

Jamie: "No problem, I suppose not all Pro-lifers are bad."
by A Random Individual October 6, 2012
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The belief that all life is sacred and deserves to be protected. One who is truly pro-life will oppose capital punishment, war, poverty, and all forms of physical or mental torture. Such a person will see abortion as a tragedy for all involved, not a "reproductive right" to be celebrated - and will work to end abortion, not by force or intimidation, but by working to change the social and economic conditions that lead people to choose abortion.
i hate it when people think that because i identify as pro-life, i would support such atrocities as capital punishment, pre-emptive war, or violence against women.
by oddkin September 13, 2005
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In relation to abortion, one who feels that it is wrong to intentionally terminate a pregnancy. Pro-choice individuals tend to call pro-life individuals anti-choice, though this is not necessarily the case. Pro-life individuals generally, but not always, believe that "elective abortions," or abortions for the purpose of birth control (as opposed to abortions in cases of rape, incest, or medical necessity) should be illegal.
While abortion is despicable and should not be considered an option, it is far better to convince one to choose life than to force one to choose life through lack of options. She who chooses life because she cannot obtain an abortion, has not reached the conclusion that abortion is evil; she who has the option of murdering her own child, but chooses life, has made a conscious decision to reject evil.
by I win!!! May 29, 2005
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one who believes in the protection of life once it has been created, but specifically unborn life.
in regard to abortion, (s)he believes that the "right to choose" lies in the choice to have sex, and if human life is created (at CONCEPTION), the choice is no longer the woman's. not necessarily an activist, but often unafraid to defend his/her position and attempt to persuade others that abortion is a horrific, murderous act.
the pro-lifers i know are not fundamentalists, but do have a religious- or moral-based concern for everyone's the right to life
by ann marie89 November 20, 2004
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A pro-life person sees a person as a human being from the moment of conception in his or her mother's womb to the point of death - and respects life to be protected at each of these stages.

Did you know?
- A fetus in in latin means "offspring" or "young one" or "child"
- The moment of conception there is a DNA code given each person which will determine everything physical about you such as eye color, hair color, if you will go bald in old age, etc...
- At 18 days after conception there is a heartbeat
- At 4 weeks baby in the womb forms eyes, ears, and respiratory systems
- Brainwaves are detected at 6 weeks
- At 9 weeks all structures are formed and now only need to develop and grow to full size and full function. Also at this time of 9 weeks baby can feel pain
- 2nd trimester starts at 13 weeks. Most people feel the abortion is only okay in the 1st trimester before the baby develops, however, the baby is already a baby from conception... just needs to grow.

And let me repeat: in the first trimester the baby can feel pain. look up The Silent Scream on-line and see a baby inside the womb being removed.

A few famous Pro-Lifers: Eduardo Verastegui (Bella), Brooke Shields (supermodel and actress), Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond), Mother Teresa, Original Women's Rights Activists: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton - and many more...

People who are genuinely pro-life do NOT believe in killing anyone, including "doctors" or any person who performs abortions. If someone bombs an abortion facility they are not really pro-life but a freak who gives pro-lifers a bad name.

People who are really pro-life are against the death penalty and believe in only a culture of life (not anything with killing anyone who is human) --- however, the issue of abortion (terminating a pregnancy which kills a young baby) tends to be more urgent cause they fight against because there are millions of abortions that happen yearly, and only a hand full of people who get the death penalty every year.

People who are pro-life are against Euthanasia because they see life as valuable and sacred at every stage - from the moment of conception to ripe old age to the moment of natural death

Some Pro-Lifers will show pictures of mutilated babies. It is not because they are sickos. It is because they believe the best way to end an injustice is to expose it. The pictures of mutilated babies are babies who are aborted. If there was nothing wrong with abortion then why would people have trouble seeing these type of pictures? If babies are not aborted, only "globs of tissue" then what would be disturbing about the pictures? They are disturbing because they show baby parts - arms, legs, everything, but the baby is killed and looks disgusting because this horrible act of abortion was done to the child. A lot of people dismissed the holocausts in Nazi Germany thinking it wasn't a big deal - until they saw the pictures of dead bodies. That brought reality to the horrors that were going on there. Pro-Lifers show pictures of babies that are aborted to show what is really going on - to expose the truth of this modern day genocide.

Pro-lifers don't really see people who do abortions as doctors. Aren't doctors supposed to heal people from illnesses? Pregnancy isn't an illness, but a healthy and necessary part of life. Doctors are supposed to help people to live. Abortion is killing babies, two people (mother with child inside of her) will walk into an abortion facility and only on person will come out (the mother) - however, sometimes neither come out. Sometimes Abortion will kill the mother too.

A Pro-Lifer rejects abortion in the case of rape or incest. This is NOT because a pro-lifer is cruel or hates women. The opposite is true. Here are the reasons why Pro-Life people reject abortion in cases of rape or incest:

A) Killing an unborn baby for a rape is killing an innocent person, a person who has NOT raped you. If you feel someone should be killed then shouldn't it be the person who did the evil act; shouldn't the rapist be killed by this logic?

B) 2% of all abortions are from rape and incest victims - and there are millions of abortions. When someone is raped her body will shut down and reject what is happening, it is highly unlikely for this woman to even get pregnant because a violent act is happening to her. Yet we legalize abortion for the millions because of the small few who do conceive from rape... there is no abortion clause "only if raped..."

C) Rape Victims feel they don't have a "choice" if they become pregnant. If a girl is raped and gets pregnant as a result society, friends, etc. expect her to have an abortion. "how could you carry that thing when you were raped?" I have read articles where women have said that the abortion procedure, legal as it was, was worse then the rape. I have also personally met a woman, Pam Stenzel, conceived of rape and put up for adoption and is now an adult and mother who speaks to teens around the country to wait for marriage.

Look up a couple of positive women in the world who were conceived of rape:
Pam Stenzel
Rebecca Kiessling

Pro-Lifers do not think it is okay to have an abortion to prevent "back-alley abortions" Legal abortions have been known to kill the pregnant mothers as well. (Didn't know that did you?) Look up the Blackmun Wall for a list of women killed. For a specific case look up Rapin Osathanondh who did an abortion on Laura Hope Smith, Laura died due to the abortion and it was legal and "safe"
Person One: "I love people. I love life."
Person Two: "ah, you are pro-life"
Person One: "yeah, that is why I would never have an abortion, it is murder!"

Person Three: "I believe a woman has the right to choose..."
Person Two: "to choose what? flavor of ice cream? what dress to wear?"
Person Three: "to have an abortion"
Person Two: "Oh, well then, that isn't exactly 'pro-choice' - to say 'pro-choice' is like saying 'pro-thought' but the 'choices' or thoughts is really what you would be for or against. So really you are pro-abortion, you just don't like the word abortion it seems... it makes you uncomfortable so you use semantics to cover it up. So what is an abortion to you?"
Person Three: "an abortion is to terminate a pregnancy, getting rid of an unwanted baby" But I'm not pro-abortion, I think abortion is a horrible thing... like killing"
Person Two: "but you are for the choice of abortion - you ARE pro-abortion. and calling a baby unwanted... There are so many people who want to adopt these days. Besides isn't it cruel to call a baby unwanted or to say any baby should be killed?"
Person Three: "maybe so, but as Naomi Wolf says it is a necessary evil"
Person Two: "Is there really such thing as a necessary evil? Isn't evil still evil so evil should never be a choice?"
by zannahdoll October 21, 2008
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1. Someone who is against abortion. While most merely protest and express their outrage for it, few others go hypocrite and kill abortion clinic doctors. Opposite of pro-death, indeed!

2. Often called Anti-choice.
The pro-life woman ranted and raved that killing is wrong, and to prove her point, she shot a doctor dead because he performed an abortion. In other words, she felt that a fetus was more important than a living, breathing human being.
by Jei December 11, 2004
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something that people should shut the fuck up about and just let the unborn babies die if someone doesn't want a kid then don't have to have the little shit
by COME AT ME BITCHES March 13, 2017
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