Going to the bathroom after Osama Bin Laden you will realize the true meaning of terrorism
by BusyMan15 October 27, 2019
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The act of telling fake news to make people fear something or somebody or despise a cerutain individual. This is referring to the terrorist attacks in Europe.
1. Donald Trump called CNN terrorists.
2. Europe has a problem with terrorism. The media keeps telling people attacks happened in France.
by DefinitionOverlord May 8, 2017
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Terrorism is when a terrorist threatens you due to circumstances beyond his control based on his beliefs, not facts. In the past he has warned you and you took it as a threat and now he is serious.
This is not an act of terrorism, I have warned you before, there are 100 lbs of sodium bicarbonate in various locations around the building and if my demands are not satisfied I am adding the acetic acid then I will activate the fridgepaks and boom!
by bushlight December 10, 2018
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You might be suffering from matress terror if it tries to eat you during the night.

Be sure to take good care of your matress....or else!
by Crazy Word Bitch September 17, 2009
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Violence carried out under the false pretense of “patriotism” by Donald Trump’s white nationalist cult of supporters in an effort to destroy American democracy. These acts of terror are usually accompanied by American, Nazi, Confederate, and Trump flags, as well as sacrilegious modifications of the American flag, especially the Thin Blue Line. On- and off-duty law enforcement are usually passive or active participants in the terrorism. Donald Trump has publicly incited and condoned these riots, both implicitly and explicitly.
Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns and presidency emboldened white supremacists to enact Trump terrorism on America, culminating in an attack on the Capitol building on January 6, 2021, which has spurred demands for Trump’s immediate removal from office.
by fuckster_treaster January 7, 2021
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A person, group of people, or organization that thrives and thirsts to terrorize other people seeking a specific outcome out of the reaction that they get from terrorizing someone or a group of people resulting in a euphoric high that is incomparable to any other high on the planet.
That Terrorism Junkie finally got his arse handed to him in court.
Be careful with that crowd son, they'll turn you into a terrorism junkie.
by Ghost ties May 11, 2023
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