Equipo MEH is a is a team of super genius people that create their own lifestyle. They often don't get understood by people and people think they are weird. But if you know them then you know that they are actually really smart. They usually know exactly what the other is thinking, talking about or what the other means. They are often totally is sync. They must always have their own handshakes consisting of their geniusness.
WOW did you see Equipo MEH?

Yeah I don't understand them...

When you get to understand them better you will see that they are genius people.

Yeah... sure
by ShadowWolf71421 May 15, 2019
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Adj. Bland, boring, or failing to produce expected exciting results. Synonymous with anti-climactic. Often used in sarcasm.
"Dude, I heard Halle Berry gets buck naked in that movie"
"Yeah, saw it. Meh-tastic. Kinda made me want to brush my teeth."
by Cougmagnet March 14, 2011
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a girl who is pretty , funny and very loving at first she’s a little shy but once you get to know her she’s the most sweetest person ever, a good student when it comes to school AND A VERY EMO SCARY FRIEND
“Who’s that?” “oh that’s beh meh she’s so nice “
oh my gawd who is that😍😍😍😍 “ oh…that’s beh meh🙄🙄🖤

you see the emo furry right there what’s her name?” her name is beh meh 🐺🐺
by Aki_1234 April 8, 2022
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A term commonly used, particularly among females, to describe their girl "Bro" or female soulmate. Derived from the phrase "My main", Ma Meh describes a buddy also showing casual indifference.
-"Do you know that girl Marina?"
-"Hell yeah! She's Ma Meh."
by Trail mix November 21, 2015
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of ancient greek origin... comes from the term "maybe" and has changed as people have gotten lazy.
"Hey, you wanna go out for pizza after practice?"

"Eh.... Meh-Beh"
by sean degenerate September 29, 2007
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The Tao of Meh is to disregard those who are not yourself and maintain a thinly veiled disinterest in their very existence. Followers of Meh's way are different, as they will immediately sever ties with those deemed to not be useful in any way. The Tao of Meh promotes the idea of existing to validate yourself and only yourself and to pursue your desires with no regard to others. The need for others is only transient, and relationships can easily be ended based on the situation.

Existentialism + Nihilism + Hedonism + Self-importance = Tao of Meh
girl: "I want let you know I'm breaking up with you because you're a selfish prick."
guy: "As a disciple of the Tao of Meh, I see no problem with this. Also, I've been sleeping with your sister anyhow."
by Dred1342 April 17, 2008
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Someone who says, or preferably suggests something lame.
Kevin: "Hey guys, we won't have to sit around doing nothing on Friday, I got tickets to Disney On Ice!"
Random people: "Captain Meh to the rescue.."
by Tegyrius December 20, 2006
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