A sarcastic moniker if there ever was one, usually reserved for someone who is one dumb-ass motherfucker.
My dear, once again you have demonstrated that you are a most prolific and widely respected super genius!
by Dr Bunnygirl May 15, 2021
Hey Spencer I heard you got a 94 on the test! You're a genius!
Yeah but Shannon got a 98, she's a super genius..
*cries softly*
Yeah but Shannon got a 98, she's a super genius..
*cries softly*
by not-a-super-genius May 23, 2011
by SuperGenius October 15, 2017
Adam Speicher is a super-genius!
by adam speicher November 12, 2003
When your kumtwatwaffle's humour is more hilarious than you are, we call this genius kumtwatwaffle. And if the kumtwatwaffle is based on any number of kumquats, we call this super-genius kumtwatwaffle. A super-genius kumtwatwaffle will make any banana ding dong fit in an ear with well-hung chocolate covered grapes.
by Lambda Variant March 12, 2022
When your penis is smarter then the person receiving it. We call that the “ Genius Penis “ but in the rare case your penis exceeds 200 IQ. Your lucky enough to Be gifted with “ super genius Penis “ and your dong will make sluts smarter!
“ Hey bro, that chick was retarded last week and can now count to 10. Do you think she’s taking super genius Penis? “
by Gavin ctw January 14, 2022