Something you say to somebody you love
Person 1: hey girll
Girl: yea?
Person 1: i love youuu
Girl: well I love them now bye
by rachid rat March 14, 2019
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a phrase: means there is much love and chemistry between the two lovers.
guy: "i love you, do you love me?"
girl: "well i love you like 10th grade science class..."
guy: "huh, why 10th grade science class?"
girl: "there's so much chemistry."
guy "o-got it.well, I love you like 11th grade science class."
girl :"physics?"
guy: "ya, there's so much potential."
(guy and girl make out like 9th grade science class, biology-life or creating it)
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A phrase to show one's affection to another. 10th grade science class where i come from is CHEMISTRY. If the person that you tell this phrase to asks WHY? Just say "cause there's sooo much chemistry."
Friend 1: "I love you like 10th grade science class..."

Friend 2: "Why?"

Friend 1: "Cause there's sooo much chemistry!"
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confessing love to someone and than finding out they lied to you
Aven: I love you more than I planned... too
Aven 3 hours later: Fuck you Harry/Sebastian/Chad or whoever!
by lzlnh45 April 13, 2021
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John Daniel loves Izzy Karsyn more than she loves him :)
I love you bb. NO I love you more honey pie. :)
by Johnniboi234 January 18, 2022
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Well, its an another way of telling "i love you but, the sun has risen. Goodbye, my moon." If your partner said that to you, OHMY! Goodluck to you being single. ≡(▔﹏▔)≡

And, you can use that if you're gonna be leaving them for another guy. The sun represents your other partner which is the guy who is the reason why you're gonna leave him. And, the moon is your main partner. GOOOOODLUCK
" You: I love you than the sun, my moon."
by Edelweiss. January 5, 2022
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