A video game player that only plays on game consoles such as Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox. They are typically considered a lower caste of game players who know little about anything other than the games they play. All consoles have controllers that resemble some shape of paddle
"Hey did you ask James how much framerate his game rig needs to run the new Call of Duty? " "Naw, he's just a paddle pilot, and wouldn't understand"
by Oregonian_Son August 31, 2017
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Guy 1: "Hey, you can't make sex jokes with a girl you just met, that's disrespectful!"
ALPHA PANDA HAQIB SHAKIB: "nah bro i'm just on auto pilot"
by Sania Jamil November 24, 2021
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When a person is on a cocktail of lots of cocaine, lots of liquor and possible sleep deprivation.
by AncientAlien69 July 26, 2019
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A pilot error is a pregnant flight attendant
Why is Susan off work?

Jessica: She’s off work due to pilot error.
by Gert Barr April 6, 2021
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A trusty, intelligent sidekick powered by artificial intelligence to guide and streamline complex tasks.
Thanks to my AI Co-Pilot, aligning patients with healthcare providers is a breeze!
by QuantumVenture October 31, 2023
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A person who likes going down on women regularly.

Also another word for someone who serves milkshake in Mcdonalds.

Minge Pilot, is a term made from the two words "minge" and "pilot" so can be translated to mean someone who flies an aircraft and likes vagina.

It is generally a term used for lesbians as apart from scissoring and fingering, they are limited in what they can do, so they therefore usually go down on their partner.
Oh see Ellie over there? Shes such a minge pilot!

Look at John, he flies a plane and goes down on his wife, what a minge pilot!

Thanks for the vanilla milkshake Mr Minge Pilot!
by Mrtittybojangle January 9, 2014
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You have a Heli Pilot! This powerful attack copter has multiple patrol options. Choose between Follow Touch, Lock'n'Place and Patrol, where it will attack between two set points.
Hey, dude. I got a Heli Pilot on Monkey City! Cool, right?
by llamafan67 May 14, 2020
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