A hobby carried out to the point of resembling a fetish.
A: Those star wars fanboys are nuts.
B: I think they have a pseudo-fetish.
by subutai July 8, 2010
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Someone who uses social media to portray themselves as a boomer to troll or start drama.
by Kate Blanchet lyco September 14, 2022
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The sensation of enjoyment you get when you walk into a grocery store out of the heat into it's air conditioned freshness and you feel so good you go and lay down under the misters in the produce section.
Wearing only my Snoopy boxers and a propellorcap, I rollerbladed into the store for a refreshing session of Pseudo-SubAquaticCoolification​.
by NukeaBooty July 23, 2011
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Used by people who falsely cheer on other people to benefit themselves.
Johnny: "Dude, you can totally forge a fake ID. I believe in you!"

Bill: "No man, I'll get caught! Plus, you're just pseudo-cheering me on because you want me to make you one."
by Christopher Davez August 2, 2012
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A male character in anime that looks like a girl, but is not intended by the writers to be a trap character.

This typically occurs when a male character is designed to be adrogenous with signature girl eyelashes. If you already know they are a guy, it can often be hard to tell how others thought they were a girl, but this is not always the case.
Dennis: “I can’t believe Kyousuke from Mieruko-chan was a pseudo-trap!”
Albert: “Yeah, he fooled me too, just like Miki from I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying!”
by The Susinator November 25, 2021
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A fashion designer who's not a formal fashion designer by trade, who outsources the design and/or mass-produces BS.
e.g. Rachel is a blogger turned proxy pseudo designer
by uberduke December 17, 2016
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