To throw a massive tantrum at work and then quit.
1: What why isnt Adam at work today?
2: Word is that he didn't like the way Brian and the manager where treating him so he trashed the office and quit loud.
by That.JuanGuy May 11, 2023
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Don't be rude, sarcastic, or a bully.
sam said," your moms Ugly" Sarah replies, "Quit bein' ugly!"
by NathentheDictionaryWriter February 11, 2022
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IQ quit, which means that the brain committed suicide. Can be used to describe people or things that does not involve brain activity.
-So dx^2/dt^2 = x/t
-Ow wow! How did you get that?

-I canceled out 2s and ds

-quit IQ

"Person A does not understand a simple well explained instruction and makes a careless mistake"

- are you quit IQ?

-you are quit IQ!
-how am I quit IQ?

-your instruction is quit IQ!
by ra tsa tsa March 12, 2021
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Quite Something. Means literally quite something. As in She or He is quite something. Profound. Over the top. Amazing. Nearly perfect, but not quite. It's quite something.
She is quite something, I must admit.

Chantal Is quite something
by Mikkadr April 16, 2022
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The Word you use when first

disagreed to a opinion/decision but instead, accepting it.
Guy: Nah i call it quit, this is actually the best painting.
by TwenthCentury September 30, 2023
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When you let your current employer know that you are going to be quitting, but you do not have a timeline. It is not a formal resignation, but a courtesy notification. It can relieve performance pressure and relieve stress, while you determine your next move. There is risk that you will be asked to leave prematurely.
Tomorrow I will soft quit my position, the culture of the firm is not a match for me and I need to make a change.
by FaceLisaFace June 15, 2024
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«school quit day» is a 15 may Celebration That kids want to have a longer day Free from school, Aka Jail for kids,
they Will Put crackers in their Lunch boxes to celebrate ,The school quit day the lunch box will explode to happiness of kids wonder to be free from School jail like.
I used grammar and ideas to type theze Text i want ever kids dream to come true like the school quit day and jail like
by Fattoyosh January 14, 2021
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