15 definitions by ra tsa tsa

Noun; Massachusetts but "my ass". Used to describe state of Massachusetts in an unfavorable way.
Migirl: Hi,how have you been lately my lovely?

Juju: I just moved to Myassachusets and lost all money in a day!
Migirl: How did that happen?
Juju: There was a person that told me if he doesn't land same side twice in 3 coin flips, I would win a million dollars, and I lost!

Migirl: Myassachusets!
by ra tsa tsa July 12, 2021
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1) Another definition of juju, a garbage person that grinds chem every day and has no girlfriend.
2) A smart hoe.
3)migirl's lover
-Where is borhoe?
-I think he is being a hoe.
- What do you mean?
- By grinding AP chemistry as hard as daniel-hoe does calculus, juju is borhoe.
- Ahhh, now i get it!
by ra tsa tsa April 23, 2020
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Fast, very fast, quickly
Taking the shortest time possible. (least action)
Derived from the word "speed"
-Shit dude i forgot my wallet in my room
- Go get it, speedious

-Imma take a shit, i will be speedious, dont worry.
by ra tsa tsa April 26, 2022
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(mek crash)
1) You do the mcdonalds drive through and crash your car.

2) You crash your car while eating mcdonalds
Dude u gotta mcslow, or ur gonna mccrash!

(bing bang bow pow! )
-Shit i mccrashed
by ra tsa tsa April 26, 2022
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A female version of juju but not hoe.
-Yo, did you finish your college apps?
-No, I didn't, but I know vywern did.
-Ah, she probably also done with her postdoc programs.
by ra tsa tsa December 19, 2020
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Why does our taga need 1000 charger
-because its tagarbage
by ra tsa tsa April 24, 2020
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