If a women receives cunnilingus by someone who ate very hot pepper right before the act.
After eatin a delicious hot pepper. He pleasured her with a mexican orgasm.
by TheRealM3xican September 12, 2017
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The hot fart that feels like it burnt your butthole that you experience after eating mexican or other spicy foods.
Guy #2: hey man are you ok?
Guy #1: GODDAMMIT I knew I shouldn't have eaten that second chipotle burrito, fucking mexican whisper burned my asshole!
by meloDEFINES May 5, 2015
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a baby back Mexican man lover , who steals leftovers. Fun to be around and good friend until he goes in the fridge and devours your leftovers.
Hey I'm going to bed , yall stay up and keep drinking..but don't go in my fridge and Eric the Mexican Randall me!
by Daddysmerk August 5, 2015
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When your boss tells you, sorry anther Mexican Friday. You will be paid on Monday
by Hard worker September 27, 2019
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When a Mexican is outside and gets super sunburnt
We were out in the sun so long I look like a Red Mexican.
by TYLERG29 March 25, 2017
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Some Mexican guy who wanted to be the terminator and is named Juan Sanchez
I called my friend the Mexican terminator after he terminated them tacos
by Beans2954 February 14, 2023
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The mexican raspado is when you go to a mexican whorehouse ,and get a blowjob from a inexperienced ,cheap whore,resulting in head rash and pain.
dude we should go to tijuana ,and get some putas,<

Ok but be careful you could get a mexican raspado and that shit hurts
by devilishrumble June 19, 2010
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