An insult that does not place scrutiny towards female genitals; but rather is a shortened version of the term pusillanimous.
Subject 1: "Aw bro, don't be a pussy!"

Subject 2: "Bro, you call me a vagina?!"

Subject 1: "No bro. No. Pussy's short for pusillanimous."

Subject 2: "Wtf bro?"

Subject 1: "Coward, bro. You a coward."
by Bed hair don't care February 20, 2018
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Dylan. Can be found playing Minecraft on his xbox. Thinks he's a total hard nut but is really melt.
A small, ginger boy, named Dylan. Known as a pussy. (This is a joke. Don't take it too seriously This is for my cousin lol)
by Jade Tompkins July 19, 2018
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Something you can eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. It’s the most important meal of the day.
by Mr. yee December 5, 2017
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Pussy got endless prisoners
Pussy always revengin' her
Pussy is calculating
And good pussy is rather dangerous
Pussy can be so facetious, the heavyweight champ
Pussy is so undefeated, let's amen to that
by Eatdatpussy334 August 23, 2017
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1. something you are
2. a womens vagina
3. a cat
1. “John you’re such a pussy”!
2. “Imma get some pussy tonight at this party”.
3. have you seen my pussy it went missing.
by yung.goddess May 17, 2021
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