It'Ll SpReAd DiSeAsEs!
Hym "You don't give a fuck about any of that. The diseases are already spreading! Do you advocate for women be more selective? Get an STD test from them before you sleep with someone?? No? Avoid men with high body counts to reduce the risk of infection? NO! YOU DON'T! You don't do any of that! So, why no prostitution? 😱 It couldn't be! Could it be that you don't want prostitution because your arbitrary claim to superiority immediately disappears? Your entire brand is destroyed? No more sexless masochistic men to profit from? Ooohhhh.. It's not "good for people" says the self-appointed arbiter of what's good for people. Ok... Oooook.... 'You wouldn't want you dau-' She won't have to be if I get a million dollars writing a billion dollar movie, will she? Shut the fuck up with that."
by Hym Iam March 6, 2023
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Jason: I should do prostitution.

Tiffany: jason, I had hoped these jokes would stop now that were engaged and we’re ge

Jason: Shut the fuck yo Tiffany
by 36rats March 16, 2022
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Allowing a person with the ability to presude you with they intellectual skillz.
That person got bribe out of some money prostitute Minded
by October 28, 2020
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a gal/girl who is very much observant and has a crush on you.Crush being either of male/female.
she has hazel eyes and sexy shape.Also,applied on prostitutes.
Lav is an astute prostitute by the way she examine me.
by rocvi December 8, 2020
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A student who exchanges sex for grades. Not necessarily from the teacher but help from other students.
“Man you know Amanda would suck you off for the computer science assignment.”
“She’s a prostitute pupil bro I heard she did that to Dr Bryant for an A”
by Wiggleman89 May 16, 2020
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Well a prostitue salute is when you see a prostitute youve paid for before and ya wave at her by swinging your dick in the air.
Yo homie i seen that prostitute i had last night and i gave her the prostitute salute like a boss!
by Young gangsta big d January 1, 2017
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when a man claims he is against paying a prostitute for sex, yet gets angry when the woman he is on a date with does not have sex with him when he had paid for said date
guy: yeah dude i paid for the hotel and everything and she didn’t even hook up with me after

guy 2: so you’re basically saying you paid money for the sole purpose of this girl to have sex with you?
guy: no man it’s not the same i swear

guy 2: that’s the prostitute paradox man
by FlameWeaver March 25, 2022
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