Jason a hot sexy guy. But he is not the best boyfriend he will screw you over no matter what and he can also be a dick. Jason also has kind side.
by Lillylovesbuga January 8, 2017
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This boi is cool af. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall. Usually plays basketball all and runs track. He’s nice and funny and the hottest dude you’ve seen by far, and all any girl wants is for a guy like him to walk into her life.
by heheit’smebitch February 2, 2018
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Not finishing. Not having intercourse with someone while leading up to it all night.
-"Did you do the reverse Jason?"
-"No... he pulled a Jason on me..."
by jd_3 September 9, 2016
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Jason is kind of a nerd who nobody really likes except for his few friends. Jason is a wimpy kid and is really awkward, he does not get very much attention and is almost antisocial
"Omg nobody likes that new kid." "Really why?" "He's a total nerd his name is Jason" "
by CoolJay03 April 4, 2017
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A great friend but also a complete dick when he wants to he also gets angry extremely quickly he has a really short temper and will hurt his friends if they get in his way he will break your heart with a snap of his fingers hes strong fast athletic in general but hes not to bright (hes stupid) hes also a cheating prick and a lair he cant be trusted and he doesn't really trust others sometimes his judgement is good some times bad if you ever meet him get away as quick as you can before he hurts you to
Jason broke my heart strangled 6 of his so called friends for no good reason broke Jacobs nose for no good reason and more and my name is Tessa
by T3S5/\ February 13, 2018
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an annoying fagot lover who has no life. He may also be the dumbest person you've met in your life. its very easy to get mad at him
by toni0719 May 1, 2019
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