A great film that tells the story of how the Vietnam War affected the friends and people who lived in some small industrial town of Pennsylvania. It's not exactly a war movie, just a movie about the friends life experience being deer hunters and then soldiers in Vietnam. The movie stars Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, and Meryl Streep.
The Deer Hunter is easily 1 of the best, if not the best movie ever made.
by go_wings July 11, 2006
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Upper-classmen, typically in highschool or recently graduated, who go to parties and events with intent to "pick up" young, freshman girls. Usually willing to drive around and/or supply drugs and alcohol.
Leland: Who the fuck invited these freshman hunters?
by Lelo69 July 5, 2010
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A man who carries out the art of slamming woman who have had one or more children.

Not to be confused with the fat wanker with a goatee who bones chicks that are paid and unlikely to actually be mothers, they are just loose as.

A milf hunter is noble in his cause, making sure he only roots milfs, maybe even buying the kiddies a little treat for them being so cool about their mother being spread-eagled.
I am Nathaniel, I am Milf Hunter

by macs11 April 22, 2009
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A Flag Hunter will hook up with any foreigner just to capture their flag. The flag is the prize/trophy a Flag Hunter is aiming for.
Of course that guy is a Flag Hunter… he banged that whale of a woman just for her flag.
by Atlas Al_3 April 19, 2011
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Profession dedicated to hunting thugs.
Big tough black thugs straight from the hood specifically.
Delta: I became a Thug Hunter 2 weeks ago. I'm a Thug Hunter. Thug Hunting is my profession. Challenging work.
by Federico57 February 17, 2022
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A person (particularly a non-Korean or mainly a non-Asian girl) who is obsessed with Korean men and is desperate to either be friends with them, be in a relationship with them, and or marry a them. They are also commonly known to overuse the word "oppa" (Korean word for a male that is older than you; term used by females) when talking not only about Korean males, but to other Asian men who happen to look Korean.
Guy 1: Dude this girl in my Korean class is a total oppa hunter.
Guy 2: Really? How so?
Guy 1: When I told her that I'm Korean she wouldn't stop calling me 'oppa' and then she wouldn't stop talking about her favorite K-POP groups and singers.
Guy 2: She sounds annoying.
Guy 1: You have no idea. She even called the Taiwanese guy in our class 'oppa'.
Guy 2: Is she even Asian?
Guy 1: Nah, she's white.
by choiinsoo August 21, 2013
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A girl who is neither a slut or whore, but just wants dick, all the time.
Sammy is such a fucking dick hunter, she is always looking to get some.
by David Sands September 4, 2008
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