The 45th president that everyone knows will get assassinated.
"Hey did Donald Trump die already?"
"dang it!"
by hahalaughter May 8, 2017
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Possible reincarnation of Hitler. This time going for Muslims. Manages to captivate audience same way Hitler did. Has terrible hair, and is terribly violent.
Donald Trump: We shall build a wall
Crowd: Yeah!
Trump: We will have the Mexicans pay for it!
*crowd goes crazy*
And we shall make the Jews pay!
Crowd *with some confusion*: Yeah!
Trump: Sorry, Muslims. (dummkopf)
*Crowd frothing out of the mouth out of insanity and excitement*
by SwankyBoss April 2, 2016
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A verb describing childish misbehavior
I took away little Joey's popsicle and he went all Donald Trump on us
by Godbewithus January 7, 2018
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Living proof that money can't buy good hair.
In fact, money CAN buy good hair. Why his money has not, well, that's anyone's guess.
by Lady Chevalier June 4, 2005
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That one soggy, deformed, disgusting Cheeto that is left at the bottom of your bag. You want to throw it away but end up eating it even though it was horrible......... After eating it and choosing it you feel like you betrayed yourself for what you have done to everyone around around you.
Donald Trump fucking sucks dick!
Donald Trump is like an old misty bag of Cheetos!
by poopfart999 November 28, 2017
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Fucking someone’s ass while they try to shit, but your dick acts as the WALL preventing the Illegals from “exiting” Mexico.
Dan: How was your date last night?

You: man she’s insane, she forced me to do a Donald Trump on her last night.

Dan: Damn dude did you at least wear a condom?

You: Hell no, momma ain’t raise no pussy.
by TheRiceFarm November 15, 2017
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Another way of saying orange faced dick head that thinks walls are good for the soul
Also a way to call people a huge Motherfucker
" you're such a donald trump " they said to the person being an assface.
by Yuri Cartof January 1, 2018
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