Usually used amongst those in the trades to refer to an establishment where they suck the money out of your wallet, either by charging high prices for basic tools or by pawning off cheap Chinese made shit to the masses at prices too good to pass up, only to turn around and fuck you over, either by being of shitty quality as previously stated, or by doing everything they can to worm their way out of honoring their warranty.
Tom: "Hey Dick, with all that overtime we've been working, I bet your paycheck is looking fatter than Kardashian ass."

Dick: "Hell yeah Tom. I'm thinking about picking up a new drill from the suck and fuck on my lunch break."
by ApacheHellion July 17, 2022
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Suck and Fuck is just what it sounds like. First you suck a dick and then you fuck them.
“Bro what did she do to you last night?”

“I thought we were just gonna fuck but she turned it around and did a suck and fuck.”
by yuhyuhbih August 13, 2019
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When a co worker is a brown noser and hides under the bosses desk….. sucking and when he’s done you hear the thud of them banging their head on the desk
Oh there’s suck and thud . Just heard him hit his head under the desk
by Gottawatchwhatyasay November 26, 2022
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Kindness sucks. And so do you. Every down vote proves this to be correct. All goody two shoed people who care more about feelings than facts. Not making people uncomfortable in poverty. Kindness sucks. Handouts, free shite, welfare, living on the dole, and lazy fuckers too incompetent to hold their jobs, homes and car payment with out liberal , dismal apocalyptic feely pukesticks giving away the farm, barn and cow.
See those liberal fucktard goody two sgoes handing out food and money's to those lazy goldbrickers?


I work for what I get, pay taxes and support laws and the police. ...kindness sucks for them
by #beadickheadforREALS March 2, 2021
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draw into the mouth by contracting the muscles of the lip and mouth to make a partial vacuum in the asshole.
Evan was having an intimate time with Michael when Michael moved down from the shaft to the balls then to the asshole and proceeded to Suck Some Soup.
by RichardMills March 13, 2022
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Suck Starting Penis - is defined by sucking penis until the guy is satisfied or is ready to penetrate any open holes available. This term was adopted by the idea of DUI breathalyzers installed in vehicles.
Jim: Did you ever have a chance with Lindsey last nigh?
Josh: No she only wanted to Suck Start Penis "Suck Starting Penis - is defined by sucking penis until the guy is satisfied or is ready to penetrate any open holes available. This term was adopted by the idea of DUI breathalyzers installed in vehicles"

Jim: good because she made my face look like a glazed doughnut after hours of riding it. Those face dildo's work grate.
by Dunder muffin November 30, 2019
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Seriously how do you put both ass cheeks in someone’s mouth? Unless you’re Julie...
Suck my ass no homo
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