Whenever an individual has to take huge shit, especially because of eating a chili cheese omelet, hot sausage, a boiled egg, cabbage, and chasing it down with chocolate milk. Once your body starts digesting all your food the gas pressure starts to build. The gas comes out first followed by a turd. Therefor your asshole is gaped open.
Hey man, can you cover my station? I have to go pressure gape!
by covid-rubbers July 27, 2021
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Noun- a kiss with more pressure on the lips compared to a usual kiss

Verb- the action of kissing in a way that involves more pressure on the lips compared to a usual kiss
"Whats your favorite way to kiss?"
"Probably a pressure kiss"
by .--------------------------. September 20, 2017
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Peer Pressure from crypto bros to yolo your life savings on a Peer-To-Peer blockchain technology
Brad peer to peer pressured me into buying an non-fungible token of a 3 second looped video for the value of $500,000.
by remyhax April 19, 2021
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Ir is the when you fart under a weighted blanket and hold your spouse under. Like a Dutch oven but with a weighted blanket.
My wife was in bed after we had chili so I subjected her to the pressure cooker
by David Kolep March 1, 2021
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An uncut dick that precums under it's hood
I cannot wait any longer, I must eat this pressure cooker meat now!
by Kuntry84 May 12, 2020
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