To 'hoe into something', e.g. A tuna can, with complete disregard for what is right and wrong. If you mung down a tuna can, basic accompanying sustenance such as bread is no required.
Where's the bread? 'Just mung it down.'
by Peteypop69 August 31, 2015
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The fluid in which babies are covered in upon birth, often used to stamp the birth certificate with the mung feet.
Johnny’s mom had a good diet while she was pregnart, johnny had plenty of mung on his little toes for the doctors to stamp his birth certificate with
by Boybachchoy October 26, 2019
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When you ask your spouse to perform a task and said spouse forgets to do or does not even try to do and then lies about it.
I told Chantelle to make me a sandwich and she just munged it up.
by FattyMungMcmungin January 18, 2018
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A game similar to tag which the person tags another person and the person is "it". Mung is different that it played amongst boys and the tagging is done by touching the crotch of the person. The person that got tagged in the crotch is munged. All the other players must then much protect their crotch by having their hands over their crotch and the munged have to wait till someone lets their guard down and in striking distance to mung them. Sometimes the tag in the crotch is not just a simple tag. It can be a hard pull. A game of mung can go on for days as long as that munged person is "it".

The term mung means to pull in Cantonese or hoisan, hoiping dialects. No one is sure where the game originated from but it most likely came from the Ping Yuen projects of San Francisco's Chinatown since many young residents of the Ping Yuen projects were playing it.
Hey here comes Ed Yee walking down the street and he has the mung...quick protect your crotches!

where are you going on New Year's Eve?

I'm going to Broadway and Grant to mung.
by dahulkerman March 15, 2017
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The stuff that oozes out of your dick hole, that is transmitted sexually
That dude got The Creeping Mung, dont put your mouth on his wee wee
by DC1999 July 18, 2019
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Amanda was munging in on some bananas because she left her teeth at home.
by possumroaster June 28, 2019
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